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Supporting the Bee Friendly Trust


Earth Day and World Bee Day are annual days when we as a community stop to acknowledge our partnership with the planet and Bees, while also celebrating the achievements of environmental movements. To celebrate this year, we have partnered with the amazing people at the Bee Friendly Trust, a charity that creates thriving floral habitats for bees in spaces like railway station platforms, community gardens and so much more!



Despite being such small creatures, bees play a huge role in human survival and the health of our planet. Being flawlessly adapted to pollinate plants means that the lifecycle of crops can continue effectively. Unfortunately, in recent years there has been a drastic decline in their population because of a loss of habitat and the harmful effects of climate change. However, the Bee Friendly Trust refuses to let this negative trajectory continue and their dedicated team of volunteers and specialists continue to create thriving habitats and provide vital education.


To celebrate Earth Day and World Bee Day this year and all the work the Bee Friendly Trust do, we have launched a brand new Bee Talisman Necklace and until the end of August we will donate 100% of all sales to The Bee Friendly Trust. We hope that this necklace will be a reminder to us to continue to invest into the future of our planet and protecting the small yet mighty creatures that our bees!